Saturday, May 9, 2015

Special Cashew nut Payasam

This Cashew nut payasam ,which I first tasted  at our Alumni meet, was soooo delicious and fell in love with it instantly. So I definitely wanted to try this out and waited for a perfect occasion to come and finally made this on my son's birthday. It came out well. Am pretty much sure that this payasam which is thick and creamy in texture will soon be your  favorite too once tasted.

Special thanks to my friend Ajanta for her Recipe and timely guidance :) :)   

Ingredients :
Cashew nut                 250 Gm
Jaggery                       600 Gram or according to your taste.
Coconut                      scrapped 3
Ghee                           5- 6Tbsp
Cardamom powder
Cashew nuts and raisins roasted in ghee for decoration.

First Grind the cashews till fine and smooth and keep it aside. Melt the Jaggery adding sufficient water.Take out the extract from scrapped coconut. (Rich,creamy first milk should be kept aside for using in the final stage of the process)Then second, third milk also should be kept aside.
Pour ghee (4 Tbsp) in a pan and saute the ground cashews till brown on a low flame.Strain the jaggery syrup and add to it.  Mix well and cook at low heat. Add 2 tbsp ghee ,Stir continuously for about 10 – 15 minutes or until the jaggery is well-coated on the cashew paste. Now add the medium-thick coconut milk (second and third milk). Bring to a boil. keep it in a low flame n stir continuously for 30-40 mnts (This process will help to enhance the taste, texture n color of the payasam). Adjust the consistency according to your preference. Add the thick (first milk) coconut milk. Cook for a minute at low heat, Do not boil.Then switch it off.
Add the cardamom powder, Heat ghee (1-2 Tbsp) in a small pan and roast cashews and raisins and add that to prepared payasam.  Mix well. 
Delicious Kaju  payasam is ready to be served. Enjoy !!!!