Friday, November 6, 2020

Bombay Halwa

Bombay Halwa is a traditional Indian sweet which can be easily prepared during our festivals like diwali, navratri etc. Since we prepare homemade sweets especially on the occasion of Diwali Do try this easy yet delicious recipe.

Water  1 Cup

Sugar 1 cup 

Lemon Juice 2 Tsp

Corn Flour 1/2 Cup

Water 1/ 2cup

Cardomom powder 1Tsp

Ghee Tsp 

Saffron 2-3 pinches (grind it) for the color

Cashewnuts , Pistachios (Broken in to small pieces)  and melon seeds 

Grease a pan with ghee and keep it aside. Take cashews and break in to small pieces and keep it aside.

In a bowl, combine the corn flour with water. Mix it well and make sure there are no lumps in it. keep it aside.

Heat a pan and add water and sugar. Bring it to boil. Add lemon juice while its boiling (This will prevent crystallization ) . Let it thick and now add corn flour mix we have already prepared and kept it. Mix well. Medium low flame preferred at this stage. keep stirring it with a wooden spatula. Now start adding the ghee at regular intervals starting with a teaspoon first. ( you can add orange synthetic color if you want a dark color. I have used saffron which is grounded on the mortar hence the color is light yellow.) Add chopped cashew nut and melon seeds. mix well. Add cardamom powder too. Keep adding the ghee and the last batch is over and the halwa is glossy and jelly like consistency when we put it on a plate , please switch off the stove. Pour the halwa in to the greased pan. smooth the top with a spoon. garnish it with chopped dry fruits of your choice.  let it rest for at least one hour. Once its set Invert on to a wooden board and cut the halwa into desired shapes and enjoy your homemade sweet. 

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