Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Ginger Tea (Adrak Chai)

Hot Adrak Chai is what we all need for unwinding during winters or rainy season. It is our Grandmother's age old recipe for fighting with common cold \Flu since it offers the much needed warmth and is good to clear your throat too. It is Easy to prepare.

The humble ginger not only adds flavors but has immense health benefits. It is an instant immunity booster. It helps and  fights respiratory problems. Improves blood circulation and eases menstrual discomfort and relieves stress

For 2 cups :

Milk 1 1/2 cup

Water 1 1/2 cup 

Tea  2 or 2 and a half teaspoon 

Sugar as per your taste

2 inch Ginger piece

Boil water and add grated fresh ginger to it. Keep it in low flame. Add the tea powder and allow it to boil for sometime. When the water turns into deep brown and start releasing the ginger aroma, add milk to it. Mix well with a spoon. Allow it to boil for another five minutes in a low flame. which will make the tea strong and flavorsome. Add sugar as required. Strain it and sip it hot. 

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