Saturday, November 28, 2020

Aval Nanachathu (Kerala Delicacy) / Flattened Rice (Poha) Delicacy


Aval   ( Poha ) Nanachathu or sweetened flattened rice is a tea time snack which is popular in Kerala. 

We use Brown  beaten rice flakes variety which is rich in bran to make this snack. 

In a Mixing bowl take one cup of Aval (poha ), 3/4 cup grated coconut, 1/4 cup concentrated jaggery syrup (or you can add dry grated jaggery 2 or 3 tablespoon depending on your taste preference for sweet ), 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder. Blend all the ingredients well with your hands until the mixture is damp. Aval Nanachathu is ready to be served with a hot cup of Tea. 

Garnish it with nuts or sliced bananas .you can sprinkle ghee or little warm milk too (optional) 

Aval nanachathu is not only a snack which can be prepared quickly during tea time but also we offer it as one of the neivedyas to Lord during special occasions.  


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