Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pongala Payasam പൊങ്കാല പായസം

Recipe courtesy :  internet.
pongala payasam is the offering made to Devi.
Pongala is a Hindu religious festival. The name 'Pongala' means 'to boil over' and refers to the ritualistic offering of porridge made of rice, sweet brown molasses, coconuts, nuts and raisins. Generally women devotees participate in this ritual.

please check the link for the details:

Ingredients :

White rice ( pachari) - 1cup
Melted Jaggery syrup (concentrated)- 1 1/2 cup
Scraped coconut - 1Cup     
Cashew nuts and Raisins - A handful each
Cardamom powder - 5 ( or as needed )

chukku (dry ginger) powder, Jeera powder -to taste
Small banana(Rasakadali or palayamkodan) sliced (optional)
Ghee - 2 tablespoon

Preparation :

Wash pachari (raw rice)and cook in 6 cup water. Please add 1 tsp ghee to the boiling water.
While cooking keep stirring.
Wait for rice to be cooked ( slightly over cook). Once rice is cooked and begin to dry, add the melted jaggery syrup. Keep stirring well and mixing when you pour the jaggery. Add grated coconut too and mix well. Add in cardomom powder, chukku and jeeraka powder and mix well. Fry cashew nuts and raisins in ghee and pour it over the payasam. Wait till the pongala becomes thick . please note that it will again thicken  before serving, so it is OK if it is not completely dry when you take it off the stove. Garnish it with sliced bananas (purely optional)

This payasam has a unique taste and easy to cook :) prepare the payasam with the devotion and dedication to Amma  and stay blessed :)