Monday, April 20, 2020

Sambharam (ButterMilk)

Sambharam (moru)is a thin buttermilk based salted drink that is diluted with water and and flavoured with crushed green chilly, ginger, curry leaves. It’s a refreshing and cooling drink to beat that heat of Summer.Its a natural coolant for our body. Sambharam is often served at the end of a sumptuous meal Sadya since It is considered not only refreshing but is good for digestion.Spiced buttermilk is known by different names. The recipes may also differ in terms of spice additions to the buttermilk. In Kerala, Sambharam is also know as Morum Vellam (buttermilk and water) or Pacha Moru (raw buttermilk). It is called Neeru Moru in Tamilnadu, Chaach in Gujarat and Rajasthan, MAsala TAak / MAsala chass in Mumbai and  Majjige in Karnataka.
One serving of buttermilk is a good source of several nutrients, including protein, calcium, and riboflavin.
Buttermilk is a good source of vitamins and minerals that are known to help maintain strong bones. It also contains compounds that may improve oral and heart health.

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