Sunday, May 17, 2020

Nellikka chammanthi (Amla \ Goosberry Chutney)

Amla is extremely  rich in Vitamin C and is a very powerful anti oxidant.  Consumption of which helps to  prevent many diseases. An instant immunity booster and anti ageing. Amlaka is the primary ingredient in the ancient rasayana chyawanprash and Amla tonic. The name derived from the Sanskrit word "Amlaki" meaning nectar of life. As per Ayurveda doctors, Amla can be of great help in balancing the three doshas. 
Here I am sharing a very simple recipe : Nellikka chammanthi
coconut     1/2  Grated
Raw Nellikka (Amla) 4 big
Green chilly   3
Curry Leaves  Twig
Salt to taste
Wash Nellikka thoroughly in water and slice it to small pieces removing the seeds. Grind it with grated coconut green chilly curry leaves and salt. Do not add water.
Optionally you can add small shallot and ginger as well as ingredient  if you wish to. I dint add though.

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